Post by Valerio Marinaro in the FB Italian group "Protocollo Coimbra: Vitamina D per Sclerosi Multipla e malattie autoimmuni":
Type 1 diabetes "No need for insulin therapy"
"I had the diagnosis of type 1 Diabetes in April 2017, I started the protocol in June 2017, so I'm officially completing 1 year of the Coimbra protocol now. 🙂
I haven't taken insulin since may 2017!!!
60000 IU Daily, good nutrition and lots of sports.
It's been a busy year, but the results are worth it. The doctors who opposed me now study the protocol with interest and describe me as a unique case. I'm being followed by various specialists and we're monitoring the situation together. What can I say?
That until now everything is going great!
Pth below the minimum already after the first 3 months and perfect metabolic control without insulin!
We continue with determination and trust!!!"